(Thursday, July 30, 2009/11:31 PM)
Went for my final appointment with my ENT doctor this past morning. This is my first time in over 1 year that I'm breathing comfortably through BOTH my nostrils. Nasal blockage really sucks. =S
Just as I was exiting Paragon, 2 Japanese obasans in their mid to late 30s came up to me and asked for my help to take a photo of them. I don't know what went through my mind, but I plucked up my courage to speak to them! =) ... And I think I did quite a good job, despite the minor stuttering and the occasional wrong terms used! =D
Friends think that I'm learning Japanese to hook up pretty young Japanese girls, but they're so wrong. They might be unattractive obasans, but the short 5 minutes conversation I had with them truly brighten up my day. I feel an affinity to all Japanese. Short, tall, ugly, pretty. As long as I feel that they're nice people. =P I'm gonna try strike a conversation with a Japanese SOT ojisan before the choir performance. (^_^)
Just had a chat with my JSS friend on MSN, and came to know that he's heading to Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH) for his SEP. I realized that TITECH does offer some computing courses, and for a moment in time, I panicked, knowing that I'm heading to Kyushu University to clear all my breadth modules, meaning that I'm gonna suffer taking alot of core modules when I return.
At that point in time, I could feel God comforting me, and assuring me that I've made the right choice. God seems to be setting me up for something big as I tread on my life's journey. I could have went to better secondary schools such as RV or Chinese High, but I chose CSS. JJC is just beside my home, but I chose SAJC (and I hated the angmo-wannabe environment, but luckily I had laojiao gang to tide me through my time in JC). NTU Computing is much more renowned, but I'm stuck here in NUS (and I feel sooo miserable as of yet...)
And right now... Why am I going to Fukuoka instead of Tokyo, where I'm familiar and comfortable in? Is it a coincidence that the biggest revival in Japan is happening in Fukuoka Harvest Church? Am I meant to be a piece of the puzzle? I do not know, but as I pray that God would sustain me as I tread on this seemingly difficult path, and I would come to understand the purpose He has for me in this life.
Cya guys who will be sending Debbie off tomorrow! :)
Ack... Blogger is going gaga again...
posted by MightyFlameboy.
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(/12:01 AM)
Geez... Finally, Blogger is back to normal... For some weird unexplained reason, the edit toolbar wasn't available for the past few days, so I couldn't upload photos.
Over this past week, we were kept busy fellowshipping with Debbie for the last few times cos' she'll be heading to Australia for studies soon. How time flies, we'll miss her loads. =(
posted by MightyFlameboy.
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Val's 21st B'day Party!~
(Sunday, July 19, 2009/8:58 PM)
This past Friday was Val's 21st birthday party! We sure had loads of fun that day! =) It also marked the first time that I'm giving a birthday present to a girl, and Janet, Jamie and Debbie were suan-ing me why I didn't do the same for them on their birthdays. (>.<)
Sorry, it's not that I don't care about u gals! But the circumstances then and now were vastly different, and I was experiencing tremendous stress in school then, that I couldn't even think about enjoying myself, much less cultivate the motivation to shop for birthday presents. Hope u gals understand, and I'll promise to try make it up to u! ...Somehow...Someday... =S
posted by MightyFlameboy.
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(Thursday, July 16, 2009/10:01 PM)
Argh... I just can't seem to discipline myself to save nowadays... I've been seeing a new ENT doctor recently to help me get rid of my nasal blockage, and I had my follow-up appointment just now. And since everything ended around noontime, I had the luxury of time to do some shopping...
#1: Bought a Japanese hairstyle magazine from Takashimaya's Kinokuniya
#2: Bought Val's birthday gift at Kalm's... Dang, Kalm's stuff is friggin' expensive! (=.=)
#3: Ate Tori Katsu at Yoshinoya... Why, oh why, Food Republic is always so packed =(
#4: Stopped by JE to get some cough medicine from my GP (which I suspect the culprit was Victor's 'friendly' cough virus =P), and conveniently, Popular was around the corner, and I bought Tank's latest album
Hmmm... Everything set me back about $80+... Bahhh... (=.=) Alright, I gotta stop spending and start saving for my Japan study trip next year...
Just as I got back home and set my stuff down, and preparing to relax, my senpai (Japanese honorific term for senior), who is currently in Tokyo on a study exchange program, began ranting to me how 'uncute' Singaporean girls are. Pampered, snotty, indifferent, are just some of the 'milder' terms which he lambasted Singaporean girls with. And I shan't elaborate further to avoid backlash from my female readers. HAHA! =S
How about Singaporean guys? My loyal blog readers would know that I have an issue with the typical Singaporean guy. So let's run down my checklist and determine if u're a typical Singaporean guy. =D
#1: Around ur sec sch era, u tried too hard to act like an ah beng (or like I call it, xiao hun hun a.k.a little kid who likes to mess around) to earn the right to hang out with the 'cool' dudes in school, even though u might be a geeky bookworm. 8-D
#2: A little in the JC/Poly period, u got interested in soccer and can name every single player in the English Premier League squads. But not cos' u really like soccer, but just cos' u don't wanna look like the 'odd kid in the block' and be ostracized. Heck, u've got 2 left feet and u can't even dribble the ball properly even if ur life depended on it. (o.O)
#3: NS makes u utterly deprived of girls, and u hit the clubs and pubs more often than before, just for the purpose of hooking up girls. U might not like booze, dance like a robot chicken, and stutter like a monkey getting electrocuted whenever u try to hit it off with a babe, but something indescribable within u compels u to hit the clubs oh so frequently. (=.=)
#4: If u're in tertiary education, this would apply to u. U join orientation camp after orientation camp, hoping to meet the girl of ur dreams, or at least widen ur social circle, but at the end of the day, u go home feeling empty despite making 1001 new friends. (C'mon la, wake up, wake up! Invest ur time and effort in friends who really matter =D)
#5: U start rambling about the latest sports car as if u're Michael Schumacher himself, when in reality, u can't even afford the tyre of a Toyota car. =S
#6: U like a certain genre of music, but are afraid to be different from the rest, so ur iPod playlist is disguised with all the typical songs which Singaporeans listen to, so that u'll look trendy to ur peers, instead of them laughing at ur weird taste for music. (I'm so sick of hearing Lady Gaga's song all over the island. =.= Or the overplayed Jason Mraz's I'm Yours, which is seriously overkill for me, altho' I like Jason Mraz's songs)
#7: U start becoming a gym freak, and become obsessed with tanning, so that u'll develop the perfect sculpted body which women would love.
#8: Ur hobbies are defined by the trends. If guitar is cool, u'll learn it (and break some strings). If windsurfing is cool, u'll hit the beach (and fall into the sea umpteen times). If hip-hop dancing is cool, u'll try too hard to impress girls (and fall flat on ur butt).
#9: If u like Japan, it's because of the anime, food and girls (quote from my senpai). And... the disillusioned u think u like Japan, but Japan is much more than just that, and u can never understand that.
#10: SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) Attire: Crumpler (why!!!), bermudas (with Pedro shoes), uninteresting t-shirts. Following fashion trends blindly. (3 blind mice... 3 blind mice...)
#11: All u do all day is emo about BGR problems (Zzz...)
Haha, if u are guilty of at least 5 of these points, I'd consider u the typical Singaporean guy. No offence tho'. =) Being typical keeps u safe and protected in a rigid Singaporean society which expects every citizen to conform. Because of my 'rebellious' nature, I doubt I can stay in SG for long after I graduate. Sooo hoping that there'll be career opportunities for me in Japan...
Anyways, tomorrow's Val's birthday party! =D I nearly forgot about it, but thankfully An Xian reminded me (ops =X). First time actually spending time to buy present for a girl too. Good practice for me when I go to Japan and look for a girlfriend. =P I'm so sorry, Debbie, Janet and Jamie! I'd have done the same too, if I wasn't too caught up with my schoolwork back then. Please forgive me. (>.<) Alrighty, cya guys tomorrow for the PAR-TAY! =D
posted by MightyFlameboy.
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Tiring but fulfilling Saturday :-)
(Monday, July 13, 2009/12:39 AM)
Whew... It was really exhausting on Saturday! But I'm glad to have stepped out to perform so many tasks for God in just one day. =) Leading praise was abit haywire cos' Kenneth and I didn't rehearse adequately before CGM started, but all in all, it was a great experience!
First time serving choir in Expo too... Had been quite sometime since I last stood on the stage (since Emerge '07)... It was comforting to have Victor and Royston around me, rather than awkwardly attempting to interact with overzealous strangers in the JW service. (T.T)
And lastly, I'm glad I could help out in soundOUT! Although I didn't take centerstage as a singer, Bro Darren's message of unspectacular talents reminded me to stay faithful in the little things I was doing. As long as God sees, I'll be contented! =D
Well, onto some rants... It's kinda irksome to observe some individuals taking church for granted. They're the last ones to arrive for service/CGM, probably first ones to leave, don't bother to lift a finger to help out, stick to their own cliques and ignore the rest.
Are they divas, VIPs or what!? Seems like they're attending church just for the fun factor and convenient social networking. If that's their intentions, just log on to Facebook la. There's so many fun apps and games. Why bother coming to church?
I know I should serve with a pure heart without prejudice, but I just subconsciously get this feeling when my comrades and I were busy helping out in soundOUT and some people were outside the room, relaxing and chilling out. They're not exactly young Christians as well, so I believe they should know the meaning of servanthood. It's a slap to the face to those of us who treat coming to church seriously, which involves commitment, dedication and devotion to our one God.
If they have absolutely nothing to help out with, at least go around show some concern for those who are slogging hard la! Is showing appreciation to everyone who made all the events successful that hard!? Pfft... (Some of u might get a hint of whom I'm talking about... Might not sit well with u guys, but u guys know my style... I'm a straightforward kinda person... That, I can't change, but at least I won't mention names...)
Just some updates on my online spree shopping!
Online sprees are great. Not only can u get unique fashion which is not readily available in Singapore, it's also rather affordable even after including shipping fees. But now I understand the other side of the coin. 2 sprees I was participating in were cancelled cos' the suppliers are sleeping and failed to contact the spree owner. =(
So, I had to 'transfer' my funds to another spree. But it's all good, cos' I realized I was intending to buy too many t-shirts of similar style. =P Given this 2nd chance to re-pick my stuff, I made sure I sift out something that is unique.
It's only one-piece! Under SG's hot weather, u can't normally wear a singlet, a shirt AND a jacket. U'll just melt to death. =.= But as a one-piece, it gives a neat 'illusion' while maintaining the style. I just hope it fits! =P
Same for this! I hope I can pull off the cardigan style well...
Arghhh... My stuff's taking such a long time to arrive... Hope everything comes before the new semester starts... (>.<)
posted by MightyFlameboy.
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Tiring but fulfilling Saturday :-)
(/12:13 AM)
Whew... It was really exhausting on Saturday! But I'm glad to have stepped out to perform so many tasks for God in just one day. =) Leading praise was abit haywire cos' Kenneth and I didn't rehearse adequately before CGM started, but all in all, it was a great experience!
First time serving choir in Expo too... Had been quite sometime since I last stood on the stage (since Emerge '07)... It was comforting to have Victor and Royston around me, rather than awkwardly attempting to interact with overzealous strangers in the JW service. (T.T)
And lastly, I'm glad I could help out in soundOUT! Although I didn't take centerstage as a singer, Bro Darren's message of unspectacular talents reminded me to stay faithful in the little things I was doing. As long as God sees, I'll be contented! =D
Well, onto some rants... It's kinda irksome to observe some individuals taking church for granted. They're the last ones to arrive for service/CGM, probably first ones to leave, don't bother to lift a finger to help out, stick to their own cliques and ignore the rest.
Are they divas, VIPs or what!? Seems like they're attending church just for the fun factor and convenient social networking. If that's their intentions, just log on to Facebook la. There's so many fun apps and games. Why bother coming to church?
I know I should serve with a pure heart without prejudice, but I just subconsciously get this feeling when my comrades and I were busy helping out in soundOUT and some people were outside the room, relaxing and chilling out. They're not exactly young Christians as well, so I believe they should know the meaning of servanthood. It's a slap to the face to those of us who treat coming to church seriously, which involves commitment, dedication and devotion to our one God.
If they have absolutely nothing to help out with, at least go around show some concern for those who are slogging hard la! Is showing appreciation to everyone who made all the events successful that hard!? Pfft... (Some of u might get a hint of whom I'm talking about... Might not sit well with u guys, but u guys know my style... I'm a straightforward kinda person... That, I can't change, but at least I won't mention names...)
posted by MightyFlameboy.
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(Saturday, July 11, 2009/1:00 AM)
Life has been pretty empty for me these past 2 months. Sighhh... (=.=) Should have seized the opportunity to do something meaningful. But what's done is done. In the past, whiling away my time playing computer games seemed like the ideal holiday for me (besides travelling overseas of cos' =P). But now, I just feel so empty... I know I'm destined for greater things than just living the mundane life...
I'm still plagued by the demons of illness, having the same doubts about myself. None of the deep problems that exist within me are resolved yet, and it'll probably won't be for a long time. But still, I have to toughen up my resolve and stay strong, in these times when my friends are facing problems, and I must be ready to be their pillar of support.
I'm trying my best to fill in the gaps which they've left behind until the time comes when they feel they're ready to let go of the past and reclaim their positions. I'll be leading praise in CGM for the 2nd time tomorrow, as well as serving in Expo for the 1st time, and offered to avail myself for any tasks regarding tomorrow's evangelistic event. On Zoe's request, I've did up some PPT slides. Hope the event goes well. =)
Somehow, I've lost confidence in my singing capabilities. I'm feeling short-breathed recently (possibly cos' I laze too much at home without exercise =S), so I can't sustain my singing voice consistently. I also feel it hard enunciating words nowadays. Is it cos' of my crooked teeth? Or has it something to do with the neurological complications caused by my migraines? I dunno... I don't even wanna think about it. I'll just live life everyday bravely, knowing that I'm well and alive, and that God loves me.
Besides, performing on stage now has no meaning to me. But if I can take to the stage together with Kelvin & Royston, I feel that I can muster the courage to perform once again, because sharing the stage with my close buddies would be my new motivation. Too bad Roy had another item prepared, and I think Kelvin couldn't find the enthusiasm in the midst of going through the toughest time of his life. Usually he would jump at any opportunity to sing on stage. Haha. =) Oh well, there'll be another time...
I must really push myself from next week onwards! Get my lazy ass off the bed and hit the road to get my fitness back. My face is getting sooo fat that it's making me feel inferior. =S Also my uni modules will be confirmed by Weds, so I must really discipline myself to drag my butt to NUS and purchase the textbooks to do some work. If u're my CHC bro or sis, pls kindly pray for me to have the spirit of discipline! (>.<) Hope everything goes fine tomorrow! Cya guys! =)
posted by MightyFlameboy.
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(Sunday, July 5, 2009/12:14 AM)
Today's food hunt event for the youths "Taste of Freedom" really made me totally shagged out... (=.=) There wasn't much eating involved. Just waiting and queuing. The organisers overlooked some possible hiccups such as crowds and timing, but I could see that they've made effort in making the event a reality, so to show my appreciation and respect, I stayed on until the end of the event, no matter how tired I was. =)
Thankfully, the fellowship was quite good. An Xian brought his 2 friends, Joel and Jason, who are down-to-earth friendly dudes. Wan Xin, a friend of Kenneth, was also friendly and chatty. I'm kinda amazed that my dear friend and junior, Wen Long, actually can tahan going for 4 uni camps!
Speaking about uni camps, my NUS friend, Hongyi, said something rather funny but true, during our Singtel clique gathering last Thursday. He used to be quite enthusiastic about camps, but for this semester break, he opted to undertake an internship opportunity instead. When I asked him why, this was his reply...
"Girls our age already having a career, whereas us guys are still acting like excited kiddos in uni camps."
LOL! (^_^)
That was brutally honest (and unintentionally funny), but luckily, I wasn't a siao-on for uni camps either so his comments made no effect on me. True, isn't it? Girls my age are already donning their business attire, building up their careers, and support their own living. Guys my age are still acting like excited little kiddos in uni camps, playing the BGR game like pubescent teens with raging hormones, and most crucial of all, still living off our parents.
I feel kinda guilty in that sense, cos' instead of working this semester break, I've been slacking my arse all day long. After 2 months of the laidback lifestyle, I'm gonna make a vow to make my last month of holiday count for something. Once my modules are confirmed through the MPE (Module Preference Exercise), I'll be heading down to NUS one day to buy textbooks and do prepatory work (so that I can have a headstart ahead of my peers!).
Besides that, I'll be reading up some books to help me control my IBS and migraine. Hoping to start up the long delayed exercise regime, which would help with my health conditions too. And perhaps pack up my wardrobe and plan my Japan study trip properly in advance, if I have the time. If I can't support my parents now, well, at least I should reduce the burden I'm placing on them.
Heh, I'm sorry if I bored u with this post, but concerned friends would know what I'm up to for the upcoming month! =) Hmmm... Not sure if I should take up the challenge to perform on stage once more, for next week's Touch of Heaven... I can't muster the confidence that used to be in me when I took to the stage for Emerge Talentime... =S
posted by MightyFlameboy.
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